viernes, 10 de abril de 2009

Free Software for Translators

Corinne McKay's post 'Resources for free and open source software users' reminded me that I have wanted to try a linux distribution for some time now, just to check if I could “survive” in translation without Windows almighty.

I have an Ubuntu LiveCD which I have never tried for more than an hour, and my intention was to start from that. But I have recently found a distribution made exclusively for translators, Linguas OS. It is also a LiveCD, which means there is no need to install anything on the computer to try it. You just put the CD in, restart the computer, and when it comes back you find the Linguas OS fully operative. A nice option before installing without knowing whether we are going to like it or not.

Linguas OS includes all kinds of the applications needed in daily translation:

  • OmegaT a CAT software / translation memory program.
  • OpenOffice, office suite.
  • Seamonkey web browser.
  • Project Management Software, Planner.
  • Apart from other software and toold as calendar, multimedia player, .pdf reader, conversion format software, etc.

For some time now my old laptop is asking for retirement, and my idea was to leave it as a test zone for linux when I buy a new one (I am waiting for Windows 7, so that will be in a few months' time). But, seeing this, I am going to be able to try it with no need of installing more software on my old laptop. If I like it, I will consider installing it for good, but that will be when I have the new one.

For my position regarding the Windows/Linux dilemma is a practical one. Yes, I think Linux the best option, but when it comes down to reality customers will need total compatibility with MS Windows, so it is essential to work with Windows, even it is just to check that everything works as it should before handing in the final files to the customer.

Have you tried? Do you find any singificant differences between final results of translations made with Windows software and those made with Open Source software?

1 comentario:

  1. Thanks for sharing this. I was not aware of the project management tool Planner, so I may give it a try separately, even if I do not plan on using Linguas OS for the time being.
    Roberto Savelli
    Translator's Shack
