miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009

Litterate Translation & Localisation

Finally, I have found a name. It was there, waiting for me, lurking inside the pages of a Latin-Spanish dictionary, and it jumped right at me with perfect timing.

For months I have been preparing everything to go freelance. One of the last and most important steps is a website, of course, but it seemed to be somewhat stuck, since one thing depended on the other... I didn't have a name or logo, so I couldn't find a proper design.

But last Thursday I was at a friend's house when a Latin-Spanish dictionary caught my eye. I had just met with my web designer and had agreed to look for ideas in mythology, culture, etc., so I decided to peruse the book while my friend prepared tea. There was a series of notes on Roman culture, society, art, etc., so I paid special attention for something having to do with literature, communication, or preferably both.

And then I found it. Well, to be frank, I have to say it found me. It was in the middle of other notes: ‘Litterate’, Latin adverb meaning “in clear handwriting”, “literal translation”… and it hit me: ‘That’s the one I want!'

So when I got home I cheked for other companies or references to the word, and finally decided that, from now on, I will bear the professional name of LITTERATE.

How do you like that?

domingo, 17 de mayo de 2009

Galician Letters Day

Today is the 'Día das Letras Galegas' (Galician Letters' Day), in which Galician people (Galician speakers or not) celebrate our language and culture. Maybe I have to point out that Galicia is one of the Spanish Autonomous Communities, located in the north-west of the country.

Like every year since 1863, Galicia pays a tribute a personality in the linguistic or literary field, appreciating his/her importance in the evolution and defense of the Galician language.

The date was chosen because of the publication of the first copy of Cantares Gallegos, by Rosalía de Castro, which would mean the beginning of the Rexurdimento (Resurgence) of the Galician language and cultures.

This year the honoree is Ramón Piñeiro López, intellectual and politician who played an important role in the creation and development of gallician movement during the 20thcentury.

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009

What do you do when you lose someone you didn't even know?

What do you do when you lose someone you didn't even know?

I have recently lost someone I really appreciated and whom I expected to meet some day. It's been three years of collaboration and messenger chats about work and about this and that. She was not a translator, but she was the hell of a translator.

Yesterday I heard from a third party that she died last week. I cannot confirm. My only contact to her life was herself. I have her facebook, her msn messenger, her mail. But, of course, she is not there to answer. So I have to believe what I’m told, and to ignore the million questions that pop up in my head: was she sick? She never said. Was she happy? She certainly seemed so, from her cheerful disposition during our conversations. Yet she had problems, like everyone else.

It is a strange situation, you can meet anyone from anywhere, but it is not what we call a relationship in the literal sense. I didn't even know her face, I didn't even ask to see a picture of her. What for? I knew her from her conversation, from her work. That told me more about her than a picture could ever do. I didn't know her face but I think I knew her, at least a little bit. But I do not have a relative to whom I can express my condolences, only the bunch of people who collaborated in a project, and who are as stunned as me.

Lately, usually after a conversation with her, the thought came into my head that I would like to meet her personally. Another continent, an ocean to cross... but she was worth it. Now it will not be possible. I will miss her so much, but she will be around somehow.

It seems stupid, I didn’t even know the woman personally, I never spoke to her or heard her voice... yet I have been crying since I heard about her death. I know I will miss her a lot, we shared so many things.

So I just wanted to air this reflection out there, for all of you who build relationships on the net, for all of you who know that meeting someone in person is no longer an essential thing to build a friendship. Of course, a further step is meeting in person but... sometimes you just do not have the chance.

R.I.P., Ori.

viernes, 10 de abril de 2009

Free Software for Translators

Corinne McKay's post 'Resources for free and open source software users' reminded me that I have wanted to try a linux distribution for some time now, just to check if I could “survive” in translation without Windows almighty.

I have an Ubuntu LiveCD which I have never tried for more than an hour, and my intention was to start from that. But I have recently found a distribution made exclusively for translators, Linguas OS. It is also a LiveCD, which means there is no need to install anything on the computer to try it. You just put the CD in, restart the computer, and when it comes back you find the Linguas OS fully operative. A nice option before installing without knowing whether we are going to like it or not.

Linguas OS includes all kinds of the applications needed in daily translation:

  • OmegaT a CAT software / translation memory program.
  • OpenOffice, office suite.
  • Seamonkey web browser.
  • Project Management Software, Planner.
  • Apart from other software and toold as calendar, multimedia player, .pdf reader, conversion format software, etc.

For some time now my old laptop is asking for retirement, and my idea was to leave it as a test zone for linux when I buy a new one (I am waiting for Windows 7, so that will be in a few months' time). But, seeing this, I am going to be able to try it with no need of installing more software on my old laptop. If I like it, I will consider installing it for good, but that will be when I have the new one.

For my position regarding the Windows/Linux dilemma is a practical one. Yes, I think Linux the best option, but when it comes down to reality customers will need total compatibility with MS Windows, so it is essential to work with Windows, even it is just to check that everything works as it should before handing in the final files to the customer.

Have you tried? Do you find any singificant differences between final results of translations made with Windows software and those made with Open Source software?

domingo, 5 de abril de 2009

The Freelance “Sorroundings”

I have recently had a major change in my life, and one of the consequences is that I have moved to another apartment.

Having my soon-to-e home-based work in mind, I have arranged one of the rooms as a studio/office in order to have a space for that activity alone.

I have put into practice all advice I have found for furniture, light, arrangements and such, but today I have realised there is something quite essential that I had not taken into consideration.

Since I work part-time in the mornings, I am not usually at home. Being Sunday, today I had a late breakfast, and was about to start my computer to check mails, new posts on the blogs I follow, etc., when I started to hear more noise than usual.

Yes, the neighbours upstairs. Yes, they have a cute litttle girl trampling up and down the apartment. And yes, her teenage brothers were trying to ignore the trampling by turning up the volume of their rap music. Some time later, it was the mother, cooking lunch while singing 80s songs. Not a bad singer altogether, but I could certainly do without that.

OK, let’s not panic. Not all is lost: at least, I haven’t bought the apartment, I can always move if it gets unbearable.

A little analysis and reasoning leaves me with the following:

a) This is Sunday morning, it is not an everyday thing. Kids go to school, parents have to work… week days won’t be like this.

b) In the worst case scenario, I could always synchronise schedules and do the things I do more concentration at times when they are less noisy.

c) I could talk to them about it, but I really doubt a 5-year-old girl and two teenagers are so easy to convince.

Of couse, I am anticipating things. Up to now, I have spent several afternoons at home and I haven't been bothered much. But the noise today has made me think.

What do you do about “sorroundings”? Have you ever had noisy neighbours issues? How did you manage?

sábado, 4 de abril de 2009

Human vs. Machine Translation


The usual controversy that has existed in the translation field for some years now. Will machines replace blood and flesh translators?

I am not going to add any new insight that has not been already discussed, I just want to add some thoughts for all those who still think translating is little more than write the same thing, but in another language.

Translating is more than just that, more than just looking up some terms on the dictionary, or in the internet.

At a linguistic level, grammar, spelling and syntax skills are necessary. Besides, another thing to bear in mind is the technical terminology for each sector: a satellite, for instance, is not the same thing for astronauts than for workers of industrial detergency machinery.

At other levels, it is essential for a translator to possess and important cultural background, since the knowledge of customs, culture, etc related with both source and target languages are essential when conveying a message from one language to another accurately.

Having said this, it will be logical to think that a machine does not have the necessary skills to tell apart contexts and amniguities, however vast its database may be.

In order to illustrate this (and with this I do not intend to criticize the software, which I consider quite effective, within its limitations), I have turned to Google Translate .

I have typed the following in English, to obtain results in Spanish and Galician:

"Translation costs will add up to a total amount of 100"

In Galician: "Traducción custos ha engadir ata un diñeiro total de 100."

In Spanish: "Los costes de traducción se añaden a un total de 100."

As we can see, the translation from English to Spanish is quite accurate and correct, while the result of the translation to Galician is far from acceptable: its syntactic order is chaotic.

Another test, this time from Spanish to English:

"Las cotizaciones bancarias sufren cambios diarios" has resulted in the following English sentence: "Prices changed daily banking". As we can see, in this case the translation changes the message completely: "Los precios cambiaron la banca diaria". Nothing to do with the source.

To spot that type of errors, to tell the difference between the ambiguities a text may show are part of the tasks a translator carries out unconsciously and which software is very far from achieving, at least for the time being. It is true that in certain language pairs, specially if they are similar, the results are amazing, but in languages whose syntaxes are very different results are often completely

Ver ese tipo de incorrecciones, distinguir entre las ambigüedades que puede presentar un texto, son parte del trabajo que un traductor realiza inconscientemente y que el software está muy lejos de conseguir, al menos de momento. Bien es cierto que en ciertos pares de lenguas, sobre todo si son similares, el porcentaje de correccion es sorprendente, pero en lenguas cuya sintaxis presenta diferencias notables los resultados son a veces totalmente unintelligible.

And it is precisely this kind of thing that it is hard to explain a client who says that hiring you is very expensive, and that anyone can do it with online translation software. It is difficult to explain that software cannot tell apart between social, cultural or religious differences, that it does not have into account the grammatic cathegory of words, etc. The client is not interested in that: what he/she is interested in is getting the best result with the least inversion possible.

The ideal situation would be to educate the client in the importance of prioritizing quality over cost, but it is something difficult to achieve, specially in a moment like this. Even so, we will have to keep trying.

More than once a client has remarked, 'Translator charge too much for something you can do on Google. with some time, I could do it myself.' How do you face this attitude? Do you have any success stories of 'conversion' of this client profile into a client appreciating the perks of professional quality translation?

martes, 17 de marzo de 2009

Useful Links

A few interesting links for English-Spanish translators.

I usually turn to these, primarily, when I need to clear some doubt or find information. Of course, I don't mention 'Saint Google', because it is obvious, isn't it?

- Buscón. Diccionario panhispánico de dudas. Spanish grammar doubts.
- Buscón. Diccionario Real Academia Española. Spanish dictionary.
- Wordreference. Online dictionary for several languages. Forums.
- The Free Dictionary. More than just a dictionary.
- Galician dictionary. Real Academia Galega.
- Ir Indo. Galician-English-Spanish-German dictionary.

I will be posting more, and I'll be including them in a list with useful online resources.

Do you usually turn to online resources (other than 'Saint Google', that is) to find information?

Some other day I will be posting about tricks or acquired habits in online research.
How do you usually get the information you need?

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2009

Thoughts on Translation, by Corinne McKay

One of the first blogs on translation I found is THOUGHTS ON TRANSLATION by translator Corinne McKay.

Corinne McKay translates English<>French. She is American and has been in the world of freelance translation for several years now. Her blog contains advice as well as thoughts on the world of translation and, more specifically, on the process of becoming a freelance. She has written a book on that process, How to succeed as a freelance translator, and offers an online course from her website, Translatewrite.com .

Apart from her blog, she broadcasts a podcast, Speaking on Translation along with Eve Bodeux, also related to the world of translation and translators. All this in English, obviously.

Corinne's blog is one of the first I started to follow on a regular basis, and there is always some surprising post on aspects of freelance translation world which is worth having into account.

Where shall I begin?

there is a whole lot of doubt who turn up when taking up something important. So many, that one doesn't know where to begin.

A quick search in the internet is, as usual, scary, since there is such a profusio of results: thousands of links which match your searching criteria.

After redefining my search once and again and again, after hopping from blog to blog, from website to website, I have a list of the most recurrent. They are blogs, sites, magazines, etc., in which I have found interesting information which helps me with an outline of goals, procedures, schedules, and such.

Apart from mentioning them in different posts, I will be adding them to a list of interesting blogs, which may come in handy.

Ready, Steady,... Go!

From some time now (too long, I have always been slow to react) I have been thinking of going freelance.

I have worked as an in-house translator and, being the situation as it is, I think a change in mentality is due.

So the decision is made, and one of the first steps is this blog. I will build up a kind of register of the steps I'l be following (have been following), the information I find, etc. First of all, to avoid having a mess, and, secondly, because it could be of use for someone else.

So I will be adding a little of everything: experiences, material, references to other links/blogs, etc... let's hope that frequenly enough.